This week's headlines
- I manage to get a passport photo that doesn't suck.
- Mom calls to let me know that the skateboarding bulldog will be appearing on Oprah this Wednesday.
- Coffee shop employees discover my "alternate establishments" tactic to not seem like a complete loafer, which may lead to developing a hobby.
- A mustachioed debauchee follows me in his van and offers me a date midday. Could Greenfield actually be a safer town at night?
- I am visited by the "Ghost of birthdays past" including photographic evidence of a mutual and decidedly amateur lap-dance, as well as a half-eaten cake, on which I am nonetheless blowing the candles out for a second go at my wish.
- My 20's end much the way the 20's did, with extreme deflation. Dirty 30's to commence this weekend. A recent acquaintance eases the potential fear with this statement: "Turning 30 is no big deal. I've done it a few times."
Lovely pictures. I wonder who the wise 30-something was?
Decidedly amateur...perhaps you lowered the curve? It was good for me anyway.
What we lacked in actual lap-dance skill, Chris, we certainly made up for in charisma. And I felt a lot less dirty afterwards. Happy birthday to you, too!
did you like my new van?
oh, you kids have so much fun!
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