The vital signs are sadly dissappearing from the once happy, if timid soul I watch from time to time.
Should I let people stagnate in their pointless relationships while I suffer from their undulating suckiness? I've come to terms with the idea that people will do what they will do, and I can harbor nothing for respect for people when they are doing what makes their spirit sing, even if everyone else thinks it's dumb. I've done my share of wasting my time with people I shouldn't have, for sure. But I cannot, will not, shall not condone the stupidity of a codependant relationship that propagates the notion that others should be available at your call, (say, a midnight call just to illuminate how needy you are?) or that your lover should be your only friend (because you fear the truth, that they may find happiness you can't provide in those other people), or that life begins and ends between your partner's shift, and you must assault them before and after. This idea, in fact, disgusts me to the point of actually wanting to "intervene," a practice I don't generally agree with. I wonder, for your sake, if you know how great it feels to do what you like, to love your freedom, to admire the freedom in another, or do you derive your ultimate satisfaction from wrapping someone up in your cowardly cocoon and warding off the world they once knew? Just, you know, curious.