The Jane Eyre Complex
"You paint your head
Your mind is dead
You don't even know what I just said.
That's You: American Womanhood."
- Frank Zappa
My Women in Literature professor said that when a woman in a ninteenth century novel looks in a mirror, she isn't being vein, she's looking for who she is, unless, asserts my professor, that book was written by a man. Is it even possible to claim this with any objectivity? It seems a woman keeps looking because an image can never deliver a self, only a repeating question, ever cheapening, ever limiting. Maybe a mirror is a trap.
Your mind is dead
You don't even know what I just said.
That's You: American Womanhood."
- Frank Zappa
My Women in Literature professor said that when a woman in a ninteenth century novel looks in a mirror, she isn't being vein, she's looking for who she is, unless, asserts my professor, that book was written by a man. Is it even possible to claim this with any objectivity? It seems a woman keeps looking because an image can never deliver a self, only a repeating question, ever cheapening, ever limiting. Maybe a mirror is a trap.